Pawtrait: A Creative and Personalized Gift for the Holidays
With the holidays approaching, it’s time to get into the gift-buying mode. I try to get my shopping in early and avoid the December rush. Doubly so this year with the pandemic and preventing any sort of crowds. That’s why I was stoked to…

Advantages of Registering Your Service Dog
As a service dog owner, the joys of leading a more independent life with a treasured companion far outweigh much of the hassle you may receive when you are traveling around with your dog. But unfortunately, many service dog owners do experience…

Subscription Boxes for Pets are All the Rage
As a kid I can remember the rare trip out to the pet store where we’d search for fun toys and treats for our dog and cat. It was fun, but we were also at the mercy of what the local pet store had in stock. Usually the same name brand products…

Helping Dogs While Shopping
Businesses understand the affection many customers have toward their pets. And because of that, they've implemented ways to give back to the community when you shop with them. Below are a few places you can spend your money and reward a dog…

Apartment Hunting as a Dog Owner
If you've spent some time in your life moving from apartment to apartment, you know how dreadful the experience can be as a dog owner. The first thing you'll notice is a "No Pets Allowed" notice on a large percent of the listings. Some just…

Enhance Your Interior With Animal Inspired Wall Art
Some people love to decorate their living rooms with the prized catch from their hunting games with pride. They would want to display theirs or their ancestors’ bravado and fondness of the hunting sport. But if you want a more sober feel to…

Tips On How To Choose a Pet Products Manufacturer
The global pet market share was about 105 billion dollars in 2015 according to a global market research firm. More and more families are keeping at least one pet. This also causes the increase of pet stores, grooming shops, and other industry…

Ann the Artist (and more)
If there is a word to describe the type of artists I like, it's eccentric. And that certainly describes this wonderful talent Ann Marie Hoff. Her art was recently brought to my attention and I just love it.
The first thing that caught my…

Best Dog Twitter Accounts to Follow
Twitter can be a brutal place at times. People bickering incessantly about politics or trashing the latest movie to come out. But there is a bit of a sanctuary with some dog feeds. Here are some of our favorite follows to uplift your timeline.

Support Small Dog Boutiques
Amazon sure is convenient. Especially as a Prime member I can have anything I want to my door in 2 days flat. And it seems like a giant pet store like PetSmart is popping up in every suburb. But the heart and soul of the designer dog industry…

Labs in Action
Labradors might make the best photo subjects. Either giving a look of pure joy or showing complete exhaustion after a day of exercise. Their curiosity and fun-loving attitude means they can be captured in action shots too. Pexels provides us…

A Smattering of Subreddits for Dog Lovers
Reddit is a lot of things. Some good, some bad. But they've been known for everything something for just about everyone. And dog lovers is no exception. If you're a Reddit user, or have just crossed path with the site in your everyday Google…

Dogs and Graffiti Make Great Art
Dogs and graffiti make a pretty cool mix. I've been obsessed with graffiti artwork for years and even purchased a knockoff Alec Monopoly piece on Etsy not too long ago.
Look at this adorable dog patiently being photographed in front of some…

Yelp for Dog Owners
Upon moving to the big city, one of the toughest things was finding dog-friendly establishments. Sure they were out there and Chicago is for the most part friendly to our canine friends. But there just wasn’t a guide to it laying around and…

California Proposes Animal Abuser Registry
Legislators in California want to expose individuals who are cruel to animals. Proposed is a bill that would establish the first ever registry for these criminals. This new registry, built similar to the sex offender registry would allow all…