
Why Dog Poop Bags are so Important + How To Find The Right Type For You
We're certain that we don't need to reveal to you how astounding canines are. These lovable pets cuddle their way into our lives and our heart. All canine proprietors need to give their canines the most impressive extravagances available anywhere…

Pawtrait: A Creative and Personalized Gift for the Holidays
With the holidays approaching, it’s time to get into the gift-buying mode. I try to get my shopping in early and avoid the December rush. Doubly so this year with the pandemic and preventing any sort of crowds. That’s why I was stoked to…

Five Essential Considerations Before Purchasing a Pet Snake
Purchasing any new pet needs a lot of thought. However, snakes need special considerations prior to making a final decision. Continue reading for five key things to bear in mind.
Snakes need special environments
Most snakes require a certain…

Kid Friendly Cafes for the Holidays
The best way to enjoy all the benefits of a wonderful, child-friendly cafe, is to hire the services of one. With kids' activities available in just about any cafes, it is not impossible to take your child to a cafe that is actually a playground.…

Subscription Boxes for Pets are All the Rage
As a kid I can remember the rare trip out to the pet store where we’d search for fun toys and treats for our dog and cat. It was fun, but we were also at the mercy of what the local pet store had in stock. Usually the same name brand products…

Apartment Hunting as a Dog Owner
If you've spent some time in your life moving from apartment to apartment, you know how dreadful the experience can be as a dog owner. The first thing you'll notice is a "No Pets Allowed" notice on a large percent of the listings. Some just…

Should I Use a Collar or Harness?
Ask a dog owner the best way to walk a dog and you'll get an array of answers. For decades, using a collar was the preferred way to control your four-legged companion. But a recent surge in the use of dog harnesses has made the routine task…

2 Ways Pet Parents Waste Money Proven by Simple Mathematics
Buying expensive pet products and supplies is not an absolute waste. Mainly because, expensive pet items such as dry dog food, often contain better ingredients. Simply put, you get a better product for paying more.
However, there are ways…

Custom Products to Show off Your Dog
Your dog is adorable and you want to share them with the world. Snapping photos on your phone and posting them to social media is fine. But everyone is doing that. Instead, why not look into some creative ways you can show off your dog with…

Enhance Your Interior With Animal Inspired Wall Art
Some people love to decorate their living rooms with the prized catch from their hunting games with pride. They would want to display theirs or their ancestors’ bravado and fondness of the hunting sport. But if you want a more sober feel to…

Dealing With Pet Hair on Floors, Clothes, and More
As an owner of a border collie, I can tell you quite a bit about pet hair. It is everywhere. On my couch, in the carpet, and even on my clothes. And since I don't think he'd be too happy being fully shaven, I've got to deal with the problem…

Vincent Van Dog
Art is a passion of mine and when you can mix a classic masterpiece with some dogs, I'm sold. Parousing through Etsy the other day I found an absolute gem of an artist. The owner Aja uses mash-ups of Starry Night to make some incredibly colorful…

Get a Cool Custom Portrait of Your Dog
Etsy is a great place to find under-the-radar artists. And Marion behind Pet Portraits is one of them. Her focus is on pop art which is a favorite of mine. I love how she brings to life a dog and shows its best assets.
But what separates…

Support Small Dog Boutiques
Amazon sure is convenient. Especially as a Prime member I can have anything I want to my door in 2 days flat. And it seems like a giant pet store like PetSmart is popping up in every suburb. But the heart and soul of the designer dog industry…

Favorite Books About Dogs
There is a long and storied history when it comes to books and man's best friend. Typically the classics like Old Yeller and Marley & Me have some emotional endings that might turn you away from these books in the future.
For those looking…

Places to Buy Dog Beds
Buying a dog bed is often one of the first tasks you have to make as a new dog owner. Finding where to buy a dog bed is not always easy. Many sites don't have friendly return policies and there's only so much you can glean from a photo. Below…