So, you decided to have a pet dog. Making this decision is something to be taken seriously. Let’s take some factors into consideration:

  • Dogs require a substantial investment of your time and money for a significant number of years.
  • There is some cost involved that will run from $50 to $600 depending if you get your puppy from an animal shelter or from a dog breeder.
  • Many households are just not suitable for a dog. If you work long periods away from home, or even very long hours, you need to consider very carefully not just how the dog will fit into your own way of life, but how your lifestyle would affect the dog.

Should I get pure dog breed or a Mixed

Choosing the right dog breed is a personal matter and probably one of the most important decisions you will have to make. The average mixed dog breed comes from unknown parentage that has not been screened for hereditary problems from cancer to heart defects. A pure-bred puppy purchased from a responsible dog breeder comes from lines that have been screened for hereditary problems known to that dog breed. This doesn’t eliminate the risk of hereditary problems but it does minimize them. Both choices have their advantages and disadvantages.

Some advantages of a pure dog breed decisions are:

  • Consistency. (You know what to expect from your adult dog. This applies to temperament and the physical appearance).
  • Reliability. If you purchase your puppy from a responsible dog breeder, you get someone that stands behind the dog types they breed. The dog breeder is available to answer training questions, and provide guidance if necessary.

Some disadvantages of a pure dog breed decisions are:

  • Initial purchase price can be very high, depending on the dog breed or dog breeder.
  • The incidence of some hereditary health problems may be higher in some dog types or blood lines within dog types. You will want to look for dog breeders that have done their best to minimize the risks.
  • AKC papers do not guarantee quality.

Some advantages of a mixed dog breed decisions are:

  • Purchase price usually low
  • They have their own charm
  • Usually make excellent pets.

Some disadvantages of a mixed dog breed decisions are:

  • Parents are typically not screened for hereditary health problems or temperament.
  • Accurately identifying “dog breed” types is difficult at best, especially in young animals. If adult size or allergies are a potential problem, you must consider the possibility that your mixed dog breed could grow up or shed more than what you may expected.
  • Sometimes will be difficult to meet the mixed dog breed’s parent(s). Viewing the parents could be your best indicator of how your puppy would grow up.

Should I get an older dog or a puppy?

It is often said that puppies choose their new owners, rather than the other way around, and sometime there is a lot of true in this statement. An overly shy puppy may have socialization problems later; and a puppy that comes forward asking to be chosen is probably the right one.

The puppy must be alert and have bright clean eyes. The membrane of their nose must be clear and free of discharge with no sign of running nose. The ears must be look pink and shiny without inflammation or dark wax. The skin must be loose, soft and free of sores.

The majority of people will choose a puppy as is comparatively easy to train. Most people also enjoy watching a young dog grow up. But in spite of this, an older dog can be an ideal choice. The mature dog has already developed its character and has finished growing.

Should I get a male or female dog?

Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Male dogs are usually more independent and less gentle. They are generally more uniform in character than females because of hormone changes on female when they are in heat. This usually happen twice a year causing them to leave spots on the carpet. This could be prevented by spayed, having the veterinarian give a shot to prevent ovulation or by wearing special diapers. The female dog is less likely to be aggressive and they are inclined to be more loving to their family

Evaluating your Personality and Lifestyles

The dog breed you pick must fit into your lifestyle.

  • Are you active people, always off walking, jogging or hiking, etc, or are you more sedentary?
  • Are you willing to make the commitment to the grooming needs of a long or full-coated breed or would a short-haired breed work better for you?
  • Will you be able to live with some of the physical habits some breeds are known for, such as the drooling of the St. Bernard or the barking of the terriers?
  • Will some of these traits create problems with your neighbors?

Choosing the Right dog type that suits your needs

Dogs are companions and usually effective burglar deterrents but the first function in the home must be as a friend. They don’t criticize you, they don’t sulk and are always there to comfort you and to love you.

Many people are subject to suffering from allergies to dogs. This does not necessarily rule out living with a dog but it does limit your choices.

Most dog types are covered with fur and they may even have more than one kind if they are “double-coated.” Some dog types have hair instead. The main difference between the two is that fur sheds, hair does not. Many people with dog allergies report having less or no reaction to dogs with hair. Therefore, you may want to investigate this possibility.

A number of the dog breeds fall into the category of “hair” and may be suitable for someone with allergies. The dog breeders will be able to tell you whether or not their breed might be suitable for your situation.