Why Dog Poop Bags are so Important + How To Find The Right Type For You
We're certain that we don't need to reveal to you how astounding canines are. These lovable pets cuddle their way into our lives and our heart. All canine proprietors need to give their canines the most impressive extravagances available anywhere…

The Ultimate Product to take Your Dog out for a Walk or Trip
Human beings and dogs have created the closest ties when it comes to interactions with the animal kingdom. We have been interacting with them for centuries and we know that they bring value into our lives by providing companion, joy, and even…

An Essential Hiking Accessory - Doggie First Aid Kit
Covid-19 has had many of us cooped up inside our homes or apartments for the past few months. And while this can turn any of us stir crazy, it can also be a stressful time for your dog who has had to adjust as well. Fewer walks and socializing…

Quality Dog Gear is Worth the Cost
On occasion I head over to Reddit and look for information or the viral videos. But one subreddit has caught my attention and become valuable. It’s the /r/buyitforlife sub which features people discussing products in our lives that we can…

Why Brushing is so Important
Brushing our dogs often feel like something that comes out of necessity to keep our home clean. The more we brush, the less our dog sheds. And if you let your dog sleep on the bed or sit on the couch, excess fur can be an enormous pain to clean.

Should I Use a Collar or Harness?
Ask a dog owner the best way to walk a dog and you'll get an array of answers. For decades, using a collar was the preferred way to control your four-legged companion. But a recent surge in the use of dog harnesses has made the routine task…

Custom Products to Show off Your Dog
Your dog is adorable and you want to share them with the world. Snapping photos on your phone and posting them to social media is fine. But everyone is doing that. Instead, why not look into some creative ways you can show off your dog with…

Dealing With Pet Hair on Floors, Clothes, and More
As an owner of a border collie, I can tell you quite a bit about pet hair. It is everywhere. On my couch, in the carpet, and even on my clothes. And since I don't think he'd be too happy being fully shaven, I've got to deal with the problem…

Some Wonderful Handmade Dog Feeders
The creativity on Etsy never ceases to amaze me. Some incredibly talented people making handcrafted dog feeders. Below are a few I want to highlight.
VugecWoodworks makes this magnificent wooden dog food station. Not only can your dogs eat…

How to Choose a Dog Bed
When shopping for a bed for your dog, there are several factors to consider in order to ensure your pup's comfort and enjoyment. As opposed to human beds, dog beds come in a variety of shapes, styles, and sizes. Your dog spends the majority…

Support Small Dog Boutiques
Amazon sure is convenient. Especially as a Prime member I can have anything I want to my door in 2 days flat. And it seems like a giant pet store like PetSmart is popping up in every suburb. But the heart and soul of the designer dog industry…

To Crate or Not to Crate?
All About Crating
Dog crating can be a difficult idea for dog owners. Based on appearances alone, crating can seem almost cruel. However, professional dog trainers and veterinarians do recommend crating for certain dogs and in certain scenarios,…

Luxury Dog Beds from Dog Diggin
We've mentioned before how much we love Dog Diggin Designs plush toys. A creative take on the most luxurious brands on the planet. Terrific gift for friends bringing a new dog home.
But Dog Diggin Designs also specializes in their incredibly…

Mattel Wants Your Dog on Twitter
We know many online like to setup a Twitter account for their pets and make cute posts on their behalf. But now your dog can actually make those tweets on their own thanks to a “revolutionary” new dog collar from Mattel. The aptly named…

Recycled Plastic Bottles Make Comfy Dog Beds
If you’ve ever dumped a plastic bottle in the recycling bin, you may wonder where that ends up. Well it may just end up keeping your dog comfortable as they dream about long walks and Snausages. That’s right, recycled plastic bottles are…

Choosing the Right Collar for Your Dog
What Type of Collar or Harness is Best For Your Dog?
Dog collars and harnesses come in a variety of styles to fit just about any type of dog and training need. Choosing a collar or harness for your dog can be difficult, but it doesn't have…

Places to Buy Dog Beds
Buying a dog bed is often one of the first tasks you have to make as a new dog owner. Finding where to buy a dog bed is not always easy. Many sites don't have friendly return policies and there's only so much you can glean from a photo. Below…