
DIY Dog Training - Yay or Nay?
The tactics used in training dogs have been debated forever. Harsh techniques that were the staple of training programs have gone out of style for a more behavioral approach. This leads to the question as to whether you should train your own…

Quick Tips for Finding a Trainer
Dog training can be a controversial topic among owners. Some claim they can handle the training themselves and write off poor behavior as their pet having “personality” or being “eccentric.” But the fact is, a quality dog trainer can…

Maybe it is Time for a Dog Trainer
One of the tougher decisions we have when owning a dog is deciding whether some form of training is needed. On the surface, our dog's behavior seems reasonable, and any issues are played off as unique quirks that we've learned to love. But those…

Emotional Support Animals and You
In a world filled with stress (especially right now), many people have turned to emotional support pets. These allow people with a myriad of physical and mental health issues to leave a more comfortable life. There’s a lot of questions and…

Adopting or Fostering During a Pandemic
Over the past couple weeks our world has been turned upside down. The coronavirus has become a pandemic and led to countless illnesses and deaths. With it has come extreme measures by the government to stop the spread of this deadly virus.

Quality Dog Gear is Worth the Cost
On occasion I head over to Reddit and look for information or the viral videos. But one subreddit has caught my attention and become valuable. It’s the /r/buyitforlife sub which features people discussing products in our lives that we can…

Sleeping Comfortably With Pets
Sharing your bed with your dog or cat does not necessarily have to be a nuisance. In fact, sleeping with your pet can be quite comforting.
According to a recent study conducted by Mayo Clinic, and published by Time Magazine, sleeping with…

To Crate or Not to Crate?
All About Crating
Dog crating can be a difficult idea for dog owners. Based on appearances alone, crating can seem almost cruel. However, professional dog trainers and veterinarians do recommend crating for certain dogs and in certain scenarios,…

Dogs and Urban Living
Go out to any city park and you’re likely to see a wide range of dogs being walked or exercised by their owners. Apartment living has special demands for both dogs and their owners, and it is wise to research particular breeds, talk to a veterinarian,…

A Smattering of Subreddits for Dog Lovers
Reddit is a lot of things. Some good, some bad. But they've been known for everything something for just about everyone. And dog lovers is no exception. If you're a Reddit user, or have just crossed path with the site in your everyday Google…

How to Deal with Bad Dog Behavior
When your dog exhibits bad behavior, the possible causes are numerous and you should not hesitate to have your dog examined by a professional trainer and a veterinarian. However, it is important for you, the owner, to assess, understand, and…

Choosing the Right Pet Sitter
Whether you’re going away for just a day or as long as a couple weeks (or more), hiring a professional pet sitter is the best option to care for your pet while you’re gone. Professional pet sitters offer the daily care that your dog needs…