
Why Dog Poop Bags are so Important + How To Find The Right Type For You
We're certain that we don't need to reveal to you how astounding canines are. These lovable pets cuddle their way into our lives and our heart. All canine proprietors need to give their canines the most impressive extravagances available anywhere…

So You Want to Open a Veterinary Clinic
There are few things in life more satisfying than becoming a veterinarian. Being able to make a career out of helping others keep their pets healthy. It can be emotionally grueling at times, but also incredibly satisfying. If you’re going…

Emotional Support Animals and You
In a world filled with stress (especially right now), many people have turned to emotional support pets. These allow people with a myriad of physical and mental health issues to leave a more comfortable life. There’s a lot of questions and…

Some Wild Animals that People Keep as Pets
Like many of you in quarantine, I’ve turned to binge watching to cull my boredom. That means lots of Netflix, Hulu, and the newest season of HBO’s Westworld. But there is a show that has caught the national eye, Tiger King.
This insane…

Advantages of Registering Your Service Dog
As a service dog owner, the joys of leading a more independent life with a treasured companion far outweigh much of the hassle you may receive when you are traveling around with your dog. But unfortunately, many service dog owners do experience…

West Hollywood Takes Stand Against Sales of Dogs
Those cute scenes where doggies are placed in a store window for sale may be over in West Hollywood, California. That’s because the city is set to approve an ordinance that would ban the sales of cats and dogs. This is a direct stab at puppy…

Supreme Court “Crushes” Animal Cruelty Law
In a rather shocking decision to animal lovers across the United States, the Supreme Court voted 8-1 to invalidate a law that prohibited individuals from profiting off of videos of animal cruelty. That’s right, it is now perfectly legal to…