
DIY Dog Training - Yay or Nay?
The tactics used in training dogs have been debated forever. Harsh techniques that were the staple of training programs have gone out of style for a more behavioral approach. This leads to the question as to whether you should train your own…

Quality Dog Gear is Worth the Cost
On occasion I head over to Reddit and look for information or the viral videos. But one subreddit has caught my attention and become valuable. It’s the /r/buyitforlife sub which features people discussing products in our lives that we can…

Should I Use a Collar or Harness?
Ask a dog owner the best way to walk a dog and you'll get an array of answers. For decades, using a collar was the preferred way to control your four-legged companion. But a recent surge in the use of dog harnesses has made the routine task…

Mattel Wants Your Dog on Twitter
We know many online like to setup a Twitter account for their pets and make cute posts on their behalf. But now your dog can actually make those tweets on their own thanks to a “revolutionary” new dog collar from Mattel. The aptly named…

Choosing the Right Collar for Your Dog
What Type of Collar or Harness is Best For Your Dog?
Dog collars and harnesses come in a variety of styles to fit just about any type of dog and training need. Choosing a collar or harness for your dog can be difficult, but it doesn't have…