
Debarking Dogs: Inhumane or Practical?
While cruising through the daily topics that were getting attention on Twitter, I came across an interesting front page article from the New York Times on the practice of debarking dogs. This was a rather foreign topic to me and it was fascinating…

The Unfortunate Effects of Amateur Breeding
For better or for worse, puppy breeding is a big business in this country. It’s there because there is a demand for pure bred dogs. While there are the horrible stories that show up ever too often in the news, it’s worth noting that there…

West Hollywood Takes Stand Against Sales of Dogs
Those cute scenes where doggies are placed in a store window for sale may be over in West Hollywood, California. That’s because the city is set to approve an ordinance that would ban the sales of cats and dogs. This is a direct stab at puppy…

Supreme Court “Crushes” Animal Cruelty Law
In a rather shocking decision to animal lovers across the United States, the Supreme Court voted 8-1 to invalidate a law that prohibited individuals from profiting off of videos of animal cruelty. That’s right, it is now perfectly legal to…

California Proposes Animal Abuser Registry
Legislators in California want to expose individuals who are cruel to animals. Proposed is a bill that would establish the first ever registry for these criminals. This new registry, built similar to the sex offender registry would allow all…